- Material Coin is a ecological behavior crypto currency invented for recycling industry to reflect an to monetize the lifecycle of any kind of
waste. - Material Coin – an indicator of environmental friendliness of the produced goods.
- Material Coin will be accounted to the person or entity at the time of the transfer of obsolete products for its recycling. Material Coin will
become an indicator of man’s responsibility to nature and the whole world. The blockchain technology ensures the “eternity” of the
record and the confirmation of the authenticity of the person’s actions. - The blockchain technology will help to bring Material Coin to the global market level, as it will be impossible to forge currency. The
currency issuance will be tied to the amount of recycled materials involved by the network participants. - Material Coin will become a motivator for creating a continuous cycle of waste processing and creating of new items based on the
recycled. An endless cycle that allows to bring humanity to a new level. This cycle will allow each person to have goods necessary for life,
in spite of the limited resources of our planet. - The creation of such cycle raises the level of living and marks the end of the era of endless, meaningless pollution of the environment.
- Material Coin may become a single means of calculation between all participants in the scheme for processing of secondary raw materials
(consumers, processors, manufacturing plants, etc.) - Material Coin provides the leverage for spontaneous and widespread change in tax legislation. Material Coin itself is neither a commodity
nor a monetary instrument, but participates in goods movement from the consumer to the processor and further to the producer and the
retailers. - This allows you to exclude some types of taxes, in particular VAT, from the transactional turnover (in some cases)
Main targets to
- implement the symmetry principle to maximize the receipt of raw materials from waste;
- conduct an ICO (initial coin offering) for the platform with the aim of global popularization of eco-culture among the world’s population;
To release the platform token – an investment tool backed up by the global volume of processing of secondary raw materials; - issue a new world crypto currency (Material Coin) for settlements between all parties in the recycling scheme;
- launch a single environmental platform with modular architecture for mounting of all recyclables working checkpoints.
Material Coin
- It is a crypto currency that lowers the manufacturer and consumer ecology traces.
- It is responsibility indicator that reflects nature.
- It is a new world crypto currency that sets the new level industry security standards since illegal Material Coin emission is not technically possible. It is based on the waste volume of Material Coin blockchain ecosystem members only.
- It will be the main financial instrument and currency used between recycling market players (consumer, waste processor, recycler, manufacturer, retail, etc.)
From the legal point of view, the issued token is a confirmation of the transfer of waste, their transportation, etc. and expresses an appropriate requirement of authorized persons (beneficiaries) to the project participants. Material Coin is close in its status to a non-documentary security, and it will essentially be in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal family right now. The security gives its holder the right to this or that expressed in paper benefit, including requirements. In particular, from the material point of view, the token – Material Coin – is a requirement of a certain good from the participant in the system, after the cycle of processing and creation of the finished product is finished, and in the end – a discount for the acquisition.
Recycling problems
Limitations of transparency in the recycling process.
Raw materials
A deficit of raw materials available to recycling companies.
A lack of balance between consumer activity and recycling.
Waste collection
A lack of motivation among people and small businesses for waste collection.
Price volatility in the commodity market.
Cyclical economy
The absence of a universal system that unites all participants in the world cyclical economy.
Размер рынка вторсырья в мире, млрд. $
Общий вес вторсырья, млн. т.
Рост рынка вторсырья к 2040 г., %
Доля металлов в общем весе вторсырья, %
Material Coin/Chain Announcement
It is a great pleasure to announce the annual exhibition on secondary raw materials “Moscow International Recycling Expo” The event will be held in Russia on March 26-29, 2018 at the best congress hotel in Europe Royal Radisson Hotel Moscow and will bring together over 1000 market leaders from around the world.
Sections in the exhibition and agenda:
- The 14th International Forum “Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Scrap Metals”
- The 3nd Congress of Eurasian Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment Solutions
- Round tables and dicussions : recycling ofpaper, plastic, glass, rubber, oil utilization and etc
We also offer аdvanced training for the exhibition delegates who will become students of the best metallurgical university of Russia MISiS and will pass certification on the results of testing on recycling of scrap and electronic waste.
The participants of the event are business titleholders and owners of the main stock material works, recycling sphere, shipment of the secondary materials, as well as works-consumers, producers of equipment and recycling technologies, traders, engineering and consulting companies, scientific-research and analytical organizations, representatives of public authorities, public organizations and international associations.
The award ceremony of market leaders and winners of the national award “The Best in the Scrap Market” will be opened in lush surroundings, as well as awards in special categories such as waste handling market and other related industries.
Organizers: RUSMET and Non-commercial partnership “National self regulating organization of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap and wastes processors and vehicle recyclers” RUSLOM.COM. General Partner – Smart Resources.
Years of Experience in Industry
Компаний интересантов в РУСЛОМЕ
В команде проекта
Кол-во стран участников
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